Eswatini (fmr. "Swaziland")

About Me

I am a customer-centric Software Engineer with a background in Computer Science, IT Support, System Anaysis and Design, Customer Service, Operations, Leadership , Graphic Design, Writing and Reporting. It is within the customer service space that I picked up my passion to ensure technology and tools that have the user in mind. I strongly advocate for technology that is secure and informed by the user's needs rather than enforcing its restrictions and processes on the user. That is why being involved in the whole process is more fulfilling to me. I live in the process and am most valuable overseeing and being part of the problem solving and solution design.

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Degree Level

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

Graduation Date

June 2024

Desired Job

Software Engineer

Desired Job Type



Attention to Detail
Communication (Written & Verbal)
Critical Thinking
Leadership Potential
Project Management
Teamwork & Collaboration
Time Management

Notable History

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