Air Force Research Laboratory
Air Force Research Laboratory

Air Force Research Laboratory

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About the company


We lead the discovery, development and delivery of warfighting technologies for our air, space and cyberspace forces. Through unparalleled research, tomorrow’s technology and strategic partnerships, we give our warfighters unmatched advantage in the field. Balancing a legacy of success with a pursuit of innovation, AFRL is uniquely positioned to support the warfighter’s urgent needs and evolving demand to defend America.


We’re a group of scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, veterans and academics that push the boundaries of technology, creating a new tomorrow for our warfighters and our world. We never stop testing and we never stop trying. Because around the globe, market and military leaders rely on us to invent the future.


To give our warfighters an advantage, we give our team access to facilities and equipment that often exist in no other lab. And our people match this technology; we work alongside the brilliant, the creative and the optimistic. In order to create a better future, we dare to believe it’s possible.

Air Force Research Laboratory

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